Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Am I Doing? (And More Questions I Ask Myself Quite Often)

Welcome, visitor, to my humble blog! Whoever or whatever has caused you to stumble across this masterpiece in the making deserves some serious credit, because in this blog, I hope to save you committed readers hours of time. How? By sifting through the crap so you don't have to watch it yourself.

Because, you see, there are a ridiculous amount of movies out there. Just now, in a quick Google search, I found out that there are apparently 2,085,556,628 that have ever been made--EVER. Whether or not that's a complete lie doesn't diminish the point that probably 90-99% of the movies out there are ones you've never heard of, let alone seen. So why am I doing this again?

I am doing this for your benefit. I'm going to typically watch the movies that are critically acclaimed, and let you know how I see them--as a college student, no less. And yeah, I'm not a professional critic, and no, I haven't taken a single film class, nor do I plan to. But either way, I always think it's good to have a second opinion. From someone without any credibility. So, I ask you to work with me here--let me know what you think of my reviews. Because I'm not doing this only for you guys. Nice of you to assume so much of me, though. And so, I give you now my first announcement:

FIRST REVIEW: Crash (2004)

Hopefully this review will be up by Thursday. This is Aaron, signing out.

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